David Poindexter's profile image, displayed in a round border
I'm David, a software engineer and cloud architect.
I specialize in serverless development, cloud architecture and implementation, and write about my experiences along the way.

On Pleasing People

“You can please some of the people, some of the time.” - Steve Jobs.

On Empathy

You don’t know what you don’t know. And what you don’t know can be some really tough stuff someone else is dealing with.

Everyone has a bad day

Related to the above, don’t “give a pass” to obvious transgressions, but people make mistakes. Give space for learning, growth, apology, and reflection.

You are not your social media

Exit social media when you want. You don’t owe a “heads up”. You can disconnect whenever you want. You can disengage at any time. And you don’t owe anyone an explanation.

Your presence in social media should not be expected unless you’re being paid to be there.